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及时护理学生远程医疗 Timely Care
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SAMHSA-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA
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Because we care


Addiction/Substance Abuse

Alcoholics Anonymous

任何想要解决自己酗酒问题的人都可以成为会员. For more information, visit http://www.aa.org/ or call 877-678-2282.


Inpatient and outpatient psychiatric treatment and chemical dependency programs. For more information, visit http://www.carilionclinic.org/locations/carilion-clinic-saint-albans-hospital or call 540-731-2000.


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, 而酷儿(LGBTQ+)人群出现药物和酒精使用障碍的风险更高. Here, 你会找到一份指南,帮助你找到对lgbtq友好的治疗方法,并在成瘾康复中指引生活. http://bedrockrecoverycenter.com/lgbtq-addiction-treatment/

Mount Regis Center

Offers a residential program and intensive outpatient program. For more information, visit http://www.mtregis.com/ or call 877-959-9554.


NRVCS offers treatment services including medication-assisted, outpatient and in-patient therapy; peer recovery; treatment services for pregnant women; and serves as a liaison to drug courts. For more information, visit http://www.nrvcs.org/substance-abuse or call 540- 961-8300.


如果你目前处于康复期, trying to achieve recovery, or want to learn more about recovery and are looking for local support, please visit: http://hokiewellness.vt.edu/students/recovery/events.html, email: swvaroccs@vt.Edu,或致电:(540)384-0247了解更多信息.


SAMHSA的使命是减少药物滥用和精神疾病对美国社区的影响. For more information, visit http://www.samhsa.gov/ or call 877-726-4727.

Child Care

Adventure Club

Operating primarily in Montgomery County Public Schools, It works with families eligible for DSS benefits to make the program affordable. For more information, visit http://www.the-adventureclub.com or call 540-382-3783

New River Community Action Head Start Programs (Including 十大网赌软件推荐 Early Learning Center)

NRCA offers comprehensive developmental services to children aged 3-5. For information visit http://newrivercommunityaction.org/head-start-2/ or call 540-633- 5133.

Radford Early Learning Center

6周至12岁的儿童. For more information, visit http://www.rainbowccc.com/radford/.

Rainbow Riders

6周至12岁的儿童. For more information, visit http://www.rainbow-riders.org/ or call 540-951-3636.

TAP Head Start

TAP is now accepting applications for children 6 weeks to 30 months of age. For more information, please see the following flyers, arranged by locality:

Valley Interfaith

For income-eligible families of children ages 6 weeks to 12 years. For more information visit http://www.valleyinterfaithchildcarecenter.org or call 540-951-8101.

YMCA of Pulaski County

符合收入条件的家庭可能有资格获得6周至2岁儿童的早期开端计划. 私人支付和符合dss条件的家庭可以利用他们为2-4岁的孩子提供的教室. For more information visit http://www.pulaskiymca.org or call 540-980-3671. 基督教青年会位于普拉斯基的奥克赫斯特大道615号.



Helping disadvantaged women by providing professional attire. For more information, visit http://www.facebook.com/DressforSuccessNewRiverValley/ or call 540-641-0973.


帮助因收入低或固定而有需要的家庭,并为经历危机的家庭提供紧急援助. 请致电540-921-3006或访问网站了解更多信息 http://www.facebook.com/gilesmission/.


Nonperishable food, baby formula, disposable diapers and all types of clothing items. Call 540-320-2307. For more information, visit http://www.facebook.com/Its-All-About-Jesus-Outreach-and-Help-Center370985229592/.

Radford Clothing Bank



New Horizons

The program is available to adults only (18 and older). 有关入学或相关信息,或者如果您需要立即帮助,请致电540-961-8400.

Raft/Access Crisis Hotline

Free paraprofessional phone counseling services, Raft operates 4 p.m.-8 a.m. 周一到周五,周末24小时. NRVCS case managers answer the phones during business hours. If you are in crisis or need someone to talk to, call Raft at 540-961-8400.

Women's Reource Center

妇女资源中心为居住在新河谷的逃离亲密伴侣暴力的成人和儿童提供临时紧急住房. 如果您遇到危机或需要紧急援助,请拨打热线电话:540-639-1123或800-788-1123. 更多信息,请致电540-639-9592或访问 http://www.wrcnrv.org.



Visit http://www.goodwillvalleys.com/work-and-training-services for more information.


在你选择的专业和/或地理区域的工作机会的链接中注册定期的电子邮件. Visit http://www.indeed.com.


访问咨询中心271鲁克大厅(都柏林)或房间103在NRV购物中心网站(克里斯蒂安斯堡)的职业咨询资源. 查看你的电子邮件以获取定期的职业联系.

Virginia Employment Commission

Visit this site for local job listings, job fairs and career search guidance: http://www.vec.virginia.gov/find-a-job.

Food Bank


Open Monday from 4:00-6:00 p.m.,周二至周五上午10点.m.-12:00 p.m. 欲了解更多信息,请致电540-951-8134或访问 http://newrivercommunityaction.org/IFP/

Compassion Church

Provides food to low-income families in the New River Valley, free of charge. Distributes food on the fourth Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m., except for November and December, which will be on the third Sunday, due to holidays. 咨询电话:540-639-6287或访问 http://www.compassionchurch.cc/radford-outreach.


周一至周五供应午餐,上午11点开始营业.m. Groceries are distributed on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. For more information, please contact Debra Harrell at 540- 980-2131.


星期二及星期三上午十时起开放.m.-2:00 p.m. to residents of Pulaski County. 来之前请拨打540-674-6061.

Giles Food Bank - NRCA

星期一至五上午9:00至11:00开放.m. & 1:00-3:00 p.m. 咨询电话:540-921-2146.


Open every Thursday from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 欲了解更多信息,请致电540-674-9200或访问 http://www.heritagechurch.net/heritage-cares-food-pantry.


Nonperishable food, baby formula, disposable diapers and all types of clothing items. Call 540-320-2307. For more information, visit http://www.facebook.com/Its-All-About-Jesus-Outreach-and-Help-Center370985229592/.

Jordan's Chapel UMC Food Pantry

Families must pick up food by appointment only once a month on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30-5:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Angela Goad at 540-980-6958.

Little Creek Food Pantry

每月第三个星期六上午9点开始营业.m.-noon. 咨询电话:540-674-8739.


周一至周四上午8:00-11:30开放.m. & 1:00-4:00 p.m., and on Friday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Contact at 540-381-1561.

Plenty! (仅限弗洛伊德县居民)

Open Monday 1:00-4:00 p.m., Tuesday 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., and Thursday 4:00-6:30 p.m. 该组织还在每个月的最后一个星期三提供社区午餐,向任何人开放. For more information, visit http://plentylocal.org/ or call 540- 745-3898.

Radford/Fairlawn Daily Brea

用餐时间为周一至周五上午11点.m.-noon. 咨询电话:540-639-0290. The Radford/ Fairlawn Daily Bread also provides homebound meals, "Meals on Wheels," to those in the local area. 送货时间为周一至周五上午10点.m.-noon. For more information about this organization, call 540-641-3883 or visit http://www.radfordfairlawndailybread.org/.

The Dream Center

每月最后一个星期二上午10点开始营业.m.-noon. Contact at 540-980-8880.

The Giving Tree Food Pantry

每周五开放(节假日除外). 分发时间是下午6点到7点.m. 顾客必须在下午六点半前到场.m. to receive food. For more information http://www.thegivingtreefoodpantry.org/.


繁荣是意愿的联合, 总部设在弗吉尼亚州的新河谷, working to collectively increase access to affordable nutritious food through shared learning, informed advocacy, and responsive strategic action. Visit http://cfnrv.org/wp-content/uploads/NRV-Food-Assistance-Directory-Print-10.15.19.pdf for more information.


Open on every Wednesday, EXCEPT the first Wednesday of every month, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. 咨询电话:540-674-4729.

Health Care/Mental Health Care


Provides medical, dental, 为每个人提供行为和预防保健服务, 无论支付能力或保险状况如何. 他们现在接受有医疗保险或医疗补助,有或没有私人保险的病人. Patients who pay out of pocket are charged on a sliding scale, based on income levels. 诊所位于皮尔里斯堡(540-921-3502), Dublin (540-585-1310) and Christiansburg (540-381-0820). More information at http://www.chcnrv.org.

Free Clinic of Pulaski County

Provide primary medical, nursing, and mental health care; to provide medication; and to provide health education to those adults in Pulaski County who do not have the resources. 540-980-0922. For more information, visit http://www.pulaskifreeclinic.org.

Health Departments

当地卫生部门提供产科服务, infant, well-child care as well as immunizations and confidential STI testing. 弗洛伊德县卫生局- 540-745-2142, 贾尔斯县卫生局540-235-3135, 蒙哥马利县卫生局540-585-3300, 普拉斯基县卫生局540-440-2188, 雷德福市卫生局540-267-8255


为儿童和成人提供心理保健,从个人和团体治疗到住宅危机治疗. For more information, visit http://www.nrvcs.org/mental-health-services-adults/ or call 540-961-8300.


TimelyCare是为十大网赌软件推荐(十大网赌软件推荐)学生提供的全天候远程医疗服务,旨在解决常见的心理健康问题,这些问题可以在美国任何地方进行安全的诊断和远程治疗. timeelycare服务对所有十大网赌软件推荐学生免费. 无论你是焦虑还是不知所措, 你将能够从任何十大网赌排行榜网络的设备(智能手机)上与授权提供商通话, laptop, or desktop. 有执照的提供者可通过电话或安全视频访问提供心理健康十大网赌排行榜. 十大网赌软件推荐学生可获得以下三种服务:

  • TalkNow: 全天候,按需访问心理健康专家,随时谈论任何事情
  • Scheduled Counseling: 与有执照的咨询师交谈的计划选项
  • Group Sessions: 每周指导冥想和瑜伽小组会议,加上全年的专门讨论
For additional information and student registration, visit: http://timelycare.com/vccs. 学生需要注册他们的名字和学校的电子邮件地址,然后才能安排服务.


Emergency Housing

你是否无家可归或面临潜在的无家可归? Residents of Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, Pulaski, and Radford/Fairlawn can call the 24/7 Homeless Hotline at (540) 320-7028. 由新河社区行动赞助

New River Community Action Homelessness and Housing Program

这项紧急援助计划提供水电和其他财政援助. 更多信息可在 http://newrivercommunityaction.org/homeless-prevention/. 联系您当地的办事处进行服务预筛选:Giles | 540-921-2146 Montgomery | 540-382-6186 Pulaski | 540-980-5525 Radford | 540-267-3205


Check out a laptop

Laptop computers available for loan to students who qualify. Email here4u@great-american-novel.com.

FCC Broadband Benefit

紧急宽带福利是联邦通信委员会的一项计划,旨在帮助在COVID-19大流行期间难以负担互联网服务的家庭. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and so much more.

NRV Free Wireless Hotspots

If you have a laptop, you should be able to access wireless internet all over campus. To view local businesses who have free wireless, visit http://vayj.great-american-novel.com/advising/pdf/wifi.pdf


Human Rights Campaign

在当地争取平等, national, and global level on issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community. http://www.hrc.org/resources/transgender

LGBT National Help Center

Serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & 通过提供免费服务来质疑社区 & 保密的同伴十大网赌排行榜和本地资源. http://www.glnh.org/


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, 而酷儿(LGBTQ+)人群出现药物和酒精使用障碍的风险更高. Here, 你会找到一份指南,帮助你找到对lgbtq友好的治疗方法,并在成瘾康复中指引生活. http://bedrockrecoverycenter.com/lgbtq-addiction-treatment/

SAIGE (Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities)

为性服务的咨询师和相关专业人员, Affectional, Intersex, 和性别扩张社区. Delivers educational and support resources for LGBTQ individuals. http://saigecounseling.org/


倡导改变政策和社会,以增加对变性人的理解和接受. NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice. http://transequality.org/

The Trevor Project

特雷弗计划是世界上最大的LGBTQ(女同性恋)自杀预防和危机干预组织, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people. http://www.thetrevorproject.org/

Trans Lifeline

一个草根热线和小额赠款非营利组织,为处于危机中的变性人提供直接的情感和经济十大网赌排行榜——为变性人社区, by the trans community. http://translifeline.org/

Legal Aid


Provides free civil legal services to low-income families. For more information, visit http://www.swvalegalaid.org/, call 540-382-6157.



NRV的社区基金会为即将毕业的高中生和在校大学生提供了几个奖学金项目 students. The deadline for scholarship applications is usually in February. For more information, visit http://cfnrv.org/scholarships/.


The foundation awards scholarships up to $1,500 to support studies at 十大网赌软件推荐. These awards are based on things such as financial need and academic achievement. 申请只在网上提供 http://vayj.great-american-novel.com/foundation/ 提交截止日期通常是二月. 基金会还为无法负担课本费用的学生提供课本奖学金. 咨询电话:540-674-3618.


Blacksburg Area Transit

For fares and more information, please visit their website: http://www.btransit.org/.


To reserve a trip on the Go Anywhere bus call 540-443-7111, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. “去任何地方”巴士周一至周六提供前往蒙哥马利刘易斯盖尔医院的行程. http://www.christiansburg.org.

Medicaid Transportation

维吉尼亚总理为会员提供安全、高效的接送服务, health and wellness events, and educational sessions. To schedule a trip, please call Member Services at 800-727-7536 between 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. http://www.vapremier.com/members/medicaid/member-resources/transportation/.

Pulaski Area Transit

有关票价和更多信息,请访问 http://www.pulaskitransit.org/.

Radford Area Transit

地图是可用的在线以及六个实时公交地图/时间表,你可以跟踪从你的手机. Visit their website for more information: http://www.radfordtransit.com/.

Responsible Rides

This is a car purchase program for low-income families through Freedom First: http://www.freedomfirst.com/responsible-rides.

Ride Solutions

To connect you with commuting options to access work and school. More information: http://ridesolutions.org/about-us/.

Valley Metro

山谷地铁在布莱克斯堡/克里斯蒂安斯堡和罗阿诺克山谷之间提供服务. For maps, schedules, and fares please visit their website: http://www.valleymetro.com/.


Department of Social Services

联系以确定您是否有资格获得与公用事业或租金援助相关的任何福利. Visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov to learn more or call the local Departments of Social Services: Floyd (540-745-9316), Giles (540-626-7291), Montgomery (540-382-6990), Pulaski (540-980-7995), or Radford (540-731-3663).


Emergency Assistance Program that offers assistance with rent, utilities and other needs like diapers and clothes for babies. 办事处位于吉尔斯、弗洛伊德、蒙哥马利和普拉斯基县以及雷德福市. For more information, visit http://www.swva.net/nrca or call 540-633-5133.

Student Resources Staff

请拨打(540)674-3600或免费电话1-866-462-6722, then you will be prompted to add the extension number to reach any employee.

Mark Hanks


Student Resource Specialist

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Jack Watkins


Student Resources Manager

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  •  (540) 674-3600
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  •  新河西路782号,400室
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